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Jessica Miñoso

Education: University of Central Florida

Degree: Bachelor of Fine Arts in Emerging Media Track - Character Animation Specialization



CurrentFreelance Graphic Artist/Web Developer at FBC & Associates, Inc


Past Work: Graphic Designer at C&L Trading of Miami



An aspiring animator and artist, Jessica Minoso, displays her eclectic taste through her various forms of mediums. Self-taught for most of her early years, art has always been a huge part of her life. She has dabbled with all types of traditional art, creative writing, digital media, architecture and interior design, web design, and now computer animation. 


She began her art experience in high school, indulging herself in multiple art classes and expanding on her extracurriculars. She then continued her journey at the Honors College at Miami Dade, connecting with the community through her service learning and clubs. She helped found Project Hope, a club based on fundraising money to aid patients with cancer. Her final destination led her to the University of Central Florida, where she recently graduated as a generalist in the Character Animation specialization. 

Her positive outlook on life helps her to see the beauty in everything. Her inspirations range from the beauty of nature to architect Antoni Gaudi to animator Glen Keane. Her career goal is to bring memorable characters to life, not only creating things that move, but rather moving the audience with its fluid motion. 





Enchanted Ink



Responsibilities: Lead Rigger, 2D Animator, Environment Animator, 3D Modeler, Film Festival Coordinator

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